Saturday, July 21, 2012

RB Bagyalakshmi Enclave at Nanmangalam - Rs.3200/sq.ft

RB Foundation Pvt Ltd is coming up with its new project Bagyalakshmi Enclave at Nanmangalam, Chennai.

Bagyalakshmi Enclave will offer 36 premium apartments with 1 BHK and 2 BHK configurations, available in sizes ranging from 469 sq.ft to 974 sq.ft, on stilt + 2 floors.

The price has been set at Rs.3200/sq.ft*.

Location map, online discussion forums and contact details of the builder are all available at RB Bagyalakshmi Enclave Details[]

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  1. First i appreciate your efforts on bringing the news about current projects to us. Thank you very much for this.

    Another thing is, some projects are updated very late in this site (2/3 months delay) while the project has been already advertised in newspaper and the booking has been almost completed.

    May be you are getting the information in late of time from your sources. It would be more helpful if new projects are updated much earlier.

    Keep up the good work.

    - Mohankumar

  2. Hi Mr.Mohankumar,

    Thanks for your kind words of appreciation.

    We sure are working on bringing details of new projects much sooner to our visitors.

    Best Regards,


*The information provided here at, is not verified by the builder, to be devoid of factual and/or typo errors. Also read this disclaimer.